Harry Potter
Movie Review: The Half-Blood Prince
So I'll admit, I was excited to see this movie. One for the sheer fact that I'm a decent fan of the book/movie series, and secondly for the fact that we've had to wait so damn long for this movie.
For both those reasons, I guess in my mind I perpetuated this movie to higher plaetues than it could preform. The movie for me was lacking, not in story or good acting, but in a sense of understanding.
Now I am by NO means saying this movie was bad, I think it's one of my favorite Potter's actually, second to my personal favorite The Goblet of Fire. Book wise my favorite book in the series was The Half-Blood Prince, the book itself is much darker than the previous, and truly entertaining to read. Again when in comparison the movie falls short of spectacular in my eyes.
But judgeing the movie objectively and as a stand alone movie, it's pretty good. The plot is great, and the core plot line in not misconstrued by stupid screenplay writers. Although the movie cut out A LOT of the book, it keeps most of the books integrity, although I'm sure critics will disagree.
The movie is shot beautifully, and if you really pay attention, you can see how the movie, the series and the characters are all growing up. You'll see couples cuddling and making out in perfectly, and sometimes beautifully arranged backdrops, which goes along with the age changes in the series. Instead of seeing kids around playing cards, or laughing at books, you'll see a much more mature kind of personal entertainment.
I realize this review is getting rather long, but there's so much to be said for Book-to-Movie adaptions ;). Another thing that made me kinda of sad, and that I was excited to see was more of the character bulding and relationships that start forming between the characters (trying not to spoil anything that isn't already inherently obvious).
All in all visually the movie is as I mentioned shot beautifully, the CGI and cinematography are near perfect. I enjoyed some of the slow-motion scenes during the movie, and the overall set-up of the camera angles. The CGI of the "magic" in the movie is as always in the series cute and lovable, and simply beautiful in it's simplicity. IF anything go see the movie and spark your imaginative side with the effects.
Overall, go see the movie, this series is truly timeless, whether you're a fan or not go watch a part of history which is what this movie, and this series will be.
Author's Rating
i didnt like this movie as much as some of the other ones it seemed sort of boring
i can agree with that it was at point kinda boring, there did need to be something more exciting going on
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