The movie begins when Lisa, played by Rachel McAdams, is on an overnight flight to Miami where she quickly discovers that the person on the plane seated next to her is planning to use her to execute an assassination. Her scheming seatmate, played by Cillian Murphy, is a creeper who has been stalking her for quite a while now and knows her probably better than the back of his own hand. As the flight goes on she's fighting harder and harder to try and save the targets and avoid other potential victims, before it's too late.
This film is definitely one of my all-time favorite thrillers. With some butt kicking stabs with pens and heels and high-tension scenes this movie was one of the few movies that could absorb so much of my attention and keep me enraptured the entire duration of the movie.
The fact that it also includes the amazing Rachel McAdams and Cillian Murphy, especially after seeing the first redone Batman movie I just couldn't get enough of him, but these factors definitely increase the awesome factor to this movie.
During this entire cinematography delight, McAdams excellently plays her character very convincingly. When she was making up excuses on the phone to her oh so very ditzy friend it seemed like she was definitely making them up for the first time, like they weren't written on a script beforehand and her facial expressions were so perfect.
Hey, we can't forget about Murphy here though, he plays such a great villain. It always makes me squirm when he's on screen, especially in this movie where he plays the B.A., super freaky, know-it-all, plotter. It disturbs me so much in the fact that he gets into the character Lisa's mind. Although that seems to be his expertise, seeing as he played a similar role in Batman Begins. Either way, Murphy does not fail to impress in Red Eye.
Author's Rating
it's the guy from batman begins!
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